Kindly get your contact number registered with school authorities so that you may be notified on regular basis. Please notify the school authority immediately in case the number is changed.
Strict discipline is to be maintained to speed up progress, streamline efficiency and achieve best possible result in the institution and that is why the school is morally compelled to adopt certain reformative measures. These rules and regulations are to be followed in the best interest of the students and lapses committed by a student will cause disciplinary action against him/her. Thus-
- Disturbance of any kind such as shouting around or indulging in activities that can cause physical, social, economic harm to nay individual or groups of individuals is not allowed in the school campus. Students are allowed to play and participate in games and sports activities during the allotted periods only
- It is desired from all students not to indulge in any destructive activities like violence against peers, disrespecting women and damaging School property. If found guilty the students will be punished in form of suspension or detention.
- Punctuality shall be strictly observed. A late-comer might not be allowed to enter the School or the class. Habitual late comers may be reminded to maintain punctuality or detained to do extra work after school.
- Students are required to come to the school in the prescribed school uniform
- The school administration shall not be held responsible for any act of indiscipline or misconduct committed by student outside the school premises.
- The minimum compulsory attendance for a student is 85% for all classes. The only available relaxation to this rule is on grounds of health and family emergency
- A student who does not maintain minimum attendance as shown above, may be detained in the same class.
- If a student is absent from the class without written application for leave, he/she may not be allowed to attend the class next day or detained for longer. Warning may be conveyed to the parents through entry in the students diary. Permission of the
- Principal is required to attend the class. A student, who remains absent from the institution without any leave application for ten days, will be deemed to have left the School and will have to seek readmission.
- A student will have to produce a medical certificate if he/ she is absent from the School for a week or more owing to illness.
- The students must bring their text books, note books and the school diary regularly.
- Parents and guardians are advised to help their wards in doing their home assignments and must check their School diary regularly, which will enable them to judge the progress of their wards.
- The school is a no mobile zone for students. Handsets found in the hands of students will be immediately confiscated. This is non-negotiable rule since it directly relates to safety and security of all concerned.
- No visitor is allowed to contact any student in the School without prior permission of the Principal.
- Unless urgent, no student will be called from the class to attend any phone call.
- It is compulsory for all students to participate in all School functions and activities and to wear the prescribed School Uniform. If there is any emergency with regard to compliance in this respect, necessary permission of the Principal may be attained for a specified period.