Our Vision

Udaya Public School is in The Continuous Process of providing Good Guaranty Of overall Development. We Are Only Input In the whole Process in the Development of Child.We’re going to benefit accelerate education with value.It’s not enough to teach a person how to drive a car; we must teach how to drive safely. I think that we (the school)have a very important role to play in shaping a child’s -value system. The parson that a child trusts next to his/her Mother and Father is his/her Teacher. It is huge Responsibility that a school career on his shoulders in shaping a child.A good school mast endeavors to provide the environment and input for the child’sdevelopment in the terms of value attitude skin and knowledge.

We will always try to inculcate in the child in a deep desire to contribute to his fullest and leave world better than what he inherited.We are trying to make the Child Value driven Hard Working and Intelligence. We Are sharpening the mind because a sharp mid can be understand sharp and it is the aim of education. We are training the student that for success they must work sincerely and do not give up. We most always remember the world of Robert kiyosaki,”those who not succeed just give up to soon,”